10 Quotes & Sayings By Annette Curtis Klause

Annette Curtis Klause (born October 21, 1952) is an American author of historical fiction. She has written two series of books, "The Brides of the Nine" and "The Constant Princess." Her first book in the "Nine" series, The Bride Collector, was published in 1998. All her books are set in the Middle Ages.

Why me?" she asked, holding on to him." Because you cared, " he whispered. "You cared so much for your people, it broke your heart to see the pack in ruins. You cared so much for your mother, you risked your life for hers. You cared enough to save someone who wanted you dead. And because you walk like a queen. Annette Curtis Klause
The Amoeba?" she asked Aiden."The gang, " he said, tossing his hand to indicate all around. "Mypeople. A large amorphous mass that keeps on changing size, hasn'tmuch apparent use, sometimes makes you sick, and occasionally breaksoff into smaller parts that act exactly like the parent. Annette Curtis Klause
Puck shook her head ruefully. "We haven't even solved the first problem, and I'm worrying about the next one. I must be an idiot."" No, " Hush said, wiggling an impossible finger at her. "Only kindness. Very much kindness. Annette Curtis Klause
Like Mom, Zoe thought—like Mom used to. And that’s where they differed, for Zoe wrote quiet poetry suffused with twilight and questions. It’s not even good poetry, she thought. I don’t have talent, it’s her. I should be the one ill; she has so much to offer, so much life. “You’re a dark one, ” her mother said sometimes with amused wonder. “You’re a mystery. Annette Curtis Klause
He was raw and sharp and rich and throbbing with life. He was sweet blood after a long hunt. How could she have mistaken Aiden's kisses for this? They had been delicious and smooth like the brief comfort of chocolate, but they had never been enough. Annette Curtis Klause
Gabriel pulled her over his body to lie on the bed beside him. His kisses pressed her down into the oblivion of the mattress as her hands explored his chest, his shoulders, his face." I want to lay my kill at your feet, " he said, more growl than words, and held her tight by her hair as he marked her neck with his teeth. She writhed against him. She wanted to bite him, she wanted to rip the flesh from his back, but most terrible of all, she didn't want him to stop. Her back arched, her body shattered, she howled. Annette Curtis Klause
I want to lay my kill at your feet. Annette Curtis Klause
Believe this, " he whispered, and kissed her with the sharp, sleek kiss, the silver kiss, so swift and true, and razor sharp, and her warmth was flowing into him. Annette Curtis Klause
When a boy's first romantic interlude is with Pheobe the Dog-Faced Girl, he feels a need to get out into the world and find a new life. Annette Curtis Klause